by AliDav | Nov 4, 2015 | Empowerment, Inspiration
It’s popular to motivate, encourage, and keep things positive. And I aspire to do that as much as I can. But I also know that life presents all of us with challenges, with heartache, with issues that cause us pain. “They” say darkness comes before...
by AliDav | Sep 16, 2015 | Empowerment, Inspiration
Okay, so let me be real. I might climb a trail up a mountain, but I’d never rock climb. I’m just not that kind of gal. I’m more the dancer and singer type than the athlete. However both activities require a commitment. A promise that you will...
by AliDav | Sep 4, 2015 | All Blogs, Empowerment, Inspiration
The mind is a funny thing. It seeks always to protect and understand. To take each experience, each thought, each feeling, and categorize it. To make it palatable, controllable, manageable. My mode of operandi when some challenge shows up in my life, has always been...
by AliDav | Dec 12, 2014 | All Blogs, Creativity, Empowerment, Inspiration
Lately I’ve been hearing from a lot of people that they just don’t feel motivated to do anything. They feel they are just going through the motions each day, trying to figure out why they don’t change their lives even when they are not happy with...